Gaming at Comic Con 2014 – Our Recap – Its Monday and we are heading to the airport, but first a recap of what we saw at SDCC under the heading: “Gaming.”
First off big thanks to Microsoft and Xbox for a big presence at the con. The Lounge with Sunset Overdrive, Evolve, The Crew, and much more all playable on multiplayer LANs. Tournaments with MLG announcers, panels, and demo made for a good time. And lots of schwag in the form of shirts, posters, key chains, and stuff that I don’t know what it is. slot88

Sony and Playstation passed on the event in a big way. Last year the big two convention hall booths faced each other, this year nothing. Were hoping they are back next year, and don’t take us for granted.
Blizzard has no interested in expanding it’s titles. Attending the panel is was pretty clear they were very happy to expand on what they have now. There was no big news but Starcraft got a few teases. taruhan bola
The Last of Us will become a movie, and it is rumored that Maisie Wiliams (you know here as Arya Stark) will play Ellie.
Tekken X Street Fighter is still in development. If we read between the lines…
Riot Games staff are pretty laid back and cool. One of the best game panels we attended was the League of Legends panel. It was about 75% questions from the audience and they answered them all. No big reveals, but interesting stories of how Champions (that can take a year or more to be finished) are made, named, and sometimes rejected at the last minute.
Mass Effect is hugely popular, ok we knew that but the panel line was long for the small room it was in. Minimal details except the next version will be the “spiritual successor” to the Mass Effect trilogy not a direct sequel.
Battlefield: Hardline has a plot, but not that we personally care too much. Battlefield is a multiplay game only in our eyes. Oh and it is delayed.
Assassin’s Creed IRL event was not quite as cool as we thought it would be. We love the effort each year, and the free shirts, but the pirate ship was better. Either way we are buying the game.
Nintendo has high hopes for Super Smash Bros 4 that is set for release on October 3, 2014. As evidenced by the large presence in the Nintendo lounge – taking almost half the entire space. Also announced with the 16 new characters there will be a new Tomodachi Life themed battle stage. As previously reported the game looks, plays like “a boss.”

Cosplay gets you a better chance at sitting in a prime seat, or asking your question. This year several panels invited cosplayers a chance to snag a great seat, and special schwag. Most notably the Halo Nightfall panel where a dozen people (i assume there were people under the helmets) were given the star treatment.